100 Loading DirectDraw DLL 101 Getting DirectDrawCreate address 102 DirectDrawCreate 103 GetCaps 104 User verification of rectangles 105 User verification of windowed bouncing 106 User verification of fullscreen bouncing 107 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal 108 Creating primary surface 109 Getting primary surface description 110 Colorfill blit to primary 111 Creating offscreen plain surface 112 Colorfill blit to offscreen plain surface 113 Blitting offscreen plain to primary surface 114 Creating test window 115 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen 116 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 117 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer 118 GetAttachedSurface 119 Colorfill to back buffer 120 Flip 200 Loading Direct3D DLL 201 ck(WS Direct3DCreate8 0W@W 202 ck(W(u Direct3DCreate8 203 EnumAdapterModes 204 GetDeviceCaps 205 No hardware supported display modes found 206 Creating test window 207 Creating 3D Device 208 GetBackBuffer 209 GetDesc 210 CreateVertexBuffer 211 CreateVertexBuffer 212 Lock 213 Unlock 214 SetLight 215 LightEnable 216 SetTransform 217 SetRenderState 218 Loading texture bitmap 219 SetTextureStageState 220 Setting texture 221 SetVertexShader 222 User Cancelled 223 Viewport::Clear 224 BeginScene 225 SetMaterial 226 SetStreamSource 227 SetIndices 228 DrawIndexPrimitive 229 EndScene 230 Present 231 Direct3D 7 @wrv(u7b 233 Loading DirectDraw DLL 234 Getting DirectDrawCreate address 235 DirectDrawCreate 236 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen 237 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal 238 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16 239 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer 240 GetAttachedSurface 241 Query for D3D 242 SetViewport 243 EnumTextureFormats 244 Creating Direct3D Surface 245 GetDC 246 ReleaseDC 300 Loading DirectSound DLL 301 Getting DirectSoundCreate address 302 DirectSoundCreate 303 SetCooperativeLevel 304 GetCaps 305 Loading WAV data 306 Emulated Driver testing 307 Primary Buffer 308 No free hardware buffer 309 Secondary buffer 310 SetPos 311 No sample 312 CreateEvent 313 SetNotification 314 Lock failure 315 Unlock failure 316 Play 317 GetCurPos 318 (u7boN 319 (u7blxN 400 (u CoInitialize 401 R^ IDirectMusicLoader [a 402 R^ IDirectMusicPerformance [a 403 RYS IDirectMusicPerformance [a 404 R^ IDirectMusicPort 405 o;m IDirectMusicPort 406 AutoDownload b TRUE 407 \ IDirectMusicPort mR0R IDirectMusicPerformance [a 408 RM PChannel WW 409 \PNDn O0R4NeeN-N 410 \d"}vU_n0R4NevU_ 411 IDirectMusicLoader R}PN 412 d>eGrk 500 (u CoInitialize 501 R^ DirectPlay [a 502 ^z DirectPlay 0W@W 503 g>NO݋ 504 g>NSN 505 SJ)Ymo` 506 c6e DirectPlay mo` 507 n[I{Oo` 508 R^O݋ 509 ReQO݋ 600 eHevSpe 601 8^ĉ1Y% 602 _8^ 603 *ggbL 604 QX[ N 605 l gcS 606 {|l glQ 700 eHev!j_ 701 eHevP } 1703 eN %s /feHr,g SO_w0 \n 1704 gQ*NeN (%s) /feHr,g SO_w0 \n 1705 eN %s /fKmՋHr,g NS/ec SO_w0 \n 1706 gQ*NeN (%s) /fKmՋHr,g NS/ec SO_w0 \n 1707 eN %s /fՋHr,g ЏL^ONON.UHr,g0 \n 1708 gQ*NeN (%s) /fՋHr,g ЏL^ONON.UHr,g0 \n 1709 l gSs0 \n 1710 eN %s /fKmՋHr,g NS/ec SO_w0^NqR z^6R FUYSg~Hr,g0 \n 1711 gQ*NeN (%s) /fKmՋHr,g NS/ec SO_w0^NqR z^6R FUYSg~Hr,g0 \n 1712 eN %s /fՋHr,g ЏL^k.UHr,gba0^NqR z^6R FUYS.UHr,g0 \n 1713 gQ*NeN (%s) /fՋHr,g ЏL^k.UHr,gba0^NqR z^6R FUYS.UHr,g0 \n 1714 eN %s *g~peW[~{ T ُf勇eNl gǏ Microsoft v Windows lxN(ϑ[[(WHQL)KmՋ0`SNNlxNYv6R FȖS WHQL ~{ TvqR z^0 \n 1715 gQ*NeN (%s) *g~peW[~{ T ُfُNeNl gǏ Microsoft v Windows lxN(ϑ[[(WHQL)KmՋ0`SNNlxNYv6R FȖS WHQL ~{ TvqR z^0 \n 1716 eN %s "N1Y! \n 1717 gQ*NeN (%s) "N1Y! \n 1718 eN %s *gcknx[ň(W Windows eN9Y-N ^ Rdc0 \n 1719 gQ*NeN (%s) *gcknx[ň(W Windows eN9Y-N ^ Rdc0 \n 1720 %s %s 1721 eN %s *g~peW[~{ T ُf勇eNl gǏ Microsoft v Windows lxN(ϑ[[(WHQL)KmՋ0S_MR~Ǐ WHQL peW[~{ TKmՋvqR z^S(W Windows ME Windows 2000 T Windows XP NS(u0ev Windows 98 qR z^ NQ~Ǐ WHQL peW[~{ TKmՋ0 \n 1800 ]/T(u 1801 ]y(u 1802 NS(u 1803 f: 1804 (؞7Res) 1805 (OS7Res) 1806 *gw 1807 %d (b) 1808 dk|~O(uv/fnfƉqR z^0[ň1ulxNuNSFUcOvƉqR z^0 \n 1809 Ry(u 1811 lxNRv Direct3D %d+ NS(u V:N>f:yqR z^ N/ec[0`SSNNlxN6R FȖ_evqR z^0 \n 1812 >f:yqR z^ N/ec API (DDI Hr,g*YNO) 1813 Ǐ[O(ulxNRv Direct3D %d vKmՋ V:N>f:yqR z^ N/ec[0`SSNNlxN6R FȖ_fevqR z^0 1900 (W\>f:ynb 16 MOr (X:_r) 640x480 !j_eQ0`v{:gS N/ecdk!j_0ُ NN[/f*N =\{NN z^(Wl gdk!j_/ecv`Q N N]\O0 1901 1uN勾Y(WzS!j_-NelЏL bN\ǏzSKmՋ0 1902 N NKmՋ\O(u DirectDraw (Wck8^( N/fhQO\)!j_ Nv;Nhb N~V0`^SN(WO\U^ N wNNў}veWW0 1903 N NKmՋ\O(u DirectDraw (Wck8^( N/fhQO\)!j_ NvO\U^Yhb N~V0`^SN(W wÍv}vreWW0 1904 N NKmՋ\O(u DirectDraw (WhQO\!j_ N~V0`^SN(W wÍv}vreWW0 1905 dkKmՋ\O(ulxNRv Direct3D %d cS0 1907 /f&T(WO\U^hTV w0Rў}vNfveWW? 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